Friday, 11 November 2011

School experience coming up!

Very soon, next week in fact, I, along with everyone else in my year, will be starting our first school experience. I will be working with a year 1 class for three weeks. This will be great fun but I do have quite a few worries. Firstly this will be a massive primary school compared to what I'm used to back home. Interestingly OFSTED describe the school as medium sized!

I suppose the biggest worry is work load. Having three weeks in school doing lesson plans, observations and reflective diaries I also have various essays and assignments to write deadlined for the week after I get back from placement. This is probably good preparation for becoming a teacher and having a never ending pile of paperwork to do, but right now I'm getting worried.

Here's the plan: I am going to try to use this blog as reflective diary. At the end of every week I will pick a point and write about it, this could be anything that happened; an idea I tried, a problem that I had to solve or something that went completely wrong and I ant to know why. Hopefully if I get some feed back then this will be really useful.

Anyway, apart from all my worrying I can't wait to get into school!


  1. Hi there, I wish you all the best! The work load is indeed hard, but let me remind you that the most important is the connection and the learning experience with the children ... You have the intention of playing a role in forming and educating children. That's not easy, yes, but so valuable, and when I'm struggling with all my tasks that is a comforting thought. Education is made by people not by the words, reports or handbooks ... Good idea about the blog every week, Keep us posted ...
    Regards, Bram, a teacher in Belgium

  2. Hope you have a great time on school experience, and great to see you have such an established blog already. I will spend some time reading back.

    Don't forget to add your blog to
